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Vision Statement

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Westerville North High School is a dedicated and passionate learning community of parents, students, staff, and community members who are committed to cultivating one of the best high schools in America. Centered on the spirit, pride, and tradition of the Warrior Way, our community empowers students to become responsible, productive participants in our global society.  The following vision statement is intended to clarify the commitments Westerville North High School stakeholders make to ensure we achieve excellence in education for every student every day.

The Warrior Way

A Warrior is someone who:

Respects himself/herself.

Respects fellow students.

Respects his/her school.

Respects his/her family.

Respects his/her community.

I. Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS strives to educate all students by utilizing a balanced curriculum, a rich variety of instructional approaches, and various formative and summative assessments to ensure every student is learning every day.

We are committed to using:

  1. A rigorous and challenging curriculum addressing the importance of academics, arts, physical and essential life skills for all students.
  2. A curriculum aligned to state standards.
  3. A variety of instructional strategies and innovative learning models to accommodate all students’ abilities to learn.
  4. An instructional process designed to maximize student engagement and active learning.
  5. Technology to enhance student learning.
  6. Assessment tools to ensure quality learning, inform teachers and academic teams of  student progress, and enhance instructional practices.
  7. A pyramid of interventions to provide additional support for students.

II. School Climate

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS strives to create a culture of respect, pride, and unity. Following the principles stated in the Warrior Way, the WNHS community honors diversity, celebrates all achievements and successes, promotes supportive relationships, and builds and protects a positive and safe learning environment.

We are committed to:

  1. Maintaining a physical facility that promotes a sense of pride while ensuring a positive learning environment for all members of the WNHS community.
  2. Embracing a diverse community of students and staff who treat each other with consideration, respect and acceptance by modeling the Warrior Way to ensure a safe school climate.
  3. Being involved and supporting co-curricular and extracurricular activities to promote school spirit and unity within the school.
  4. Recognizing and celebrating individual and collective achievements and successes throughout the year.
  5. Working together to form supportive relationships to build and protect a positive learning environment, student engagement, collaboration, and supportive relationships with one’s peers and teachers (flexibility and adaptability).

III. Staff

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS staff strives to ensure learning by effectively engaging every student every day.

We are committed to:

  1. Collaborating in professional learning teams to study achievement data, to improve our teaching and learning, and to ensure high levels of academic success for all students.
  2. Forming supportive and positive relationships with our colleagues, students, parents, alumni, and the community.
  3. Modeling life long learning through ongoing professional development.
  4. Actively promoting and honoring the district’s mission, vision, values, and goals.
  5. Being passionate, no-nonsense protectors of our school’s mission, vision, values, and goals.

IV. Students

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS staff, parents, and community understand that each WNHS student is a unique person deserving individual attention as she or he strives to achieve excellence while following the “Warrior Way.” Also, the students of WNHS understand that excellence is achieved as a result of their active, supportive, and productive participation in the curricular, co-curricular, and extra curricular programs of the school.

We are committed to:

  1. Achieving excellence in the classroom and in life.
  2. Living, honoring, and promoting the “Warrior Way” everyday.
  3. Demonstrating self advocacy while holding ourselves accountable for personal, educational, and social choices.
  4. Helping and supporting each other, mentoring one another, and inspiring others through leadership.
  5. Celebrating each other’s achievements.
  6. Supporting at least one extracurricular/co-curricular activity per year.

V. Parents

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS parents understand that student success is enhanced when they play an active role in the education of their children, monitor their children’s academic performance, and work collaboratively and positively with staff to maximize their child’s educational experience.

We are committed to:

  1. Being partners in education with the staff of WNHS in order to ensure success for all students.
  2. Supporting school activities by attending events and joining parent-led organizations.
  3. Establishing an educational routine at home so that students are prepared to learn each day and continually instilling the value of education.
  4. Acknowledging and promoting WNHS’ mission, vision, values, and goals.

VI. Community

As an exemplary learning community, WNHS values collaborative relationships with all community stakeholders and recognizes the mutual benefit that is realized from such affirmative and constructive partnerships.

The community stakeholders are committed to:

  1. Providing expertise, resources, and/or learning experiences to enhance instruction.
  2. Partnering to help prepare tomorrow’s workforce and promote civic responsibility.
  3. Providing opportunities for all students to serve and participate within the extended community.
  4. Recognizing WNHS as a meeting place for use by the community.
  5. Acknowledging and promoting WNHS’ mission, vision, values, and goals.